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How to Create a Work Environment That Everybody Loves

In a mostly male-dominated industry, it’s almost expected that HVAC contractors are to be thick-skinned and unaffected by callus co-workers and bosses. But if you really dig down deep into the male psyche, you will find that most men would prefer to keep the peace at work, while maintaining their masculinity of course. Below are some tips on how HVAC contractors and their employers can appreciate and respect one another while still holding onto their manliness.

1. Create an environment of trust by being reliable, accountable, and responsible. Never speak negatively about your employer or fellow employees.

2. Be positive and supportive of one another through good communication. Communicate the goals, values, and philosophy of your company so that expectations can be fulfilled more effectively.

3. Expect only the best from your staff. Treat staff members in a way that makes them feel capable rather than attacked or micromanaged. Employees who are overly scrutinized are more likely to become sick or make mistakes out of nervousness. If for any reason a function is performed improperly, take the time to give further training so that the task can be performed correctly the next time around.

4. Create a feeling of unity by letting everyone know how their position plays and important role in the company. Everyone provides unique contributions that should be recognized accordingly.

5. Be approachable by smiling and making good eye contact. Many people are sensitive to somber or grouchy facial expressions as they tend to create an unspoken barrier that can silently create an environment of covert hostility. And while it’s impossible to smile 24 hours a day, do your best to maintain positive body language. Additionally, show an interest in important events such as birthdays or the birth of a child.

6. Keep the workplace clean and free of clutter. Staff members should be well-groomed and wear clothing that is presentable.

It’s never too late to make positive changes in your attitude at work. There is a strong link between emotional well-being and physical well-being. Happy workers are less likely to get sick and are also more productive on the job.

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