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Design inspiration: long live the API!

  • By: Maxine
  • Tweet: @maxine
  • July 5, 2013

Take a look at this thoughtful visual identity created by Neue for the Nordkyn tourist board. Nordkyn is a region in northern Norway, known for its natural beauty, surreal light conditions and temperamental weather. Inspired by the the tagline “where nature rules”, Neue took a feed of the weather statistics from the Norwegian Meteorological institute and created a “live logo” that changes with the direction of the wind and the temperature. So on the web site the logo updates every five minutes, making Nordkyn a place where nature truly does rule, even over their visual identity! See more about the project at the Neue site.

The complete technical details of the project aren’t revealed by Neue, but my point is, you certainly could do something like this using the most simple API, web tech, and an awesome team of creative technologists. Hopefully it’s a little bit of inspiration you might get to apply to a project for yourself some time soon!

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