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Web design and development meetups in Australia

  • By: John
  • Tweet: @johnallsopp
  • August 2, 2013

In the last decade or so, the number of meetups and groups for Web professionals to connect and learn has increased amazingly. But locating a group we’ve found can be tricky. Some are on meetup​.com, others use EventBrite. Many have their own websites.

Over the years we’ve spoken at, and supported many such groups in Australia, and collected a fair list of them.

So, as a little side project, I’ve collected as many Australian Web design and development related meet ups as I could, and made it easy to find one near you, and most importantly connect with them.

You can find out meetup finder here.

If we’ve missed one, or you start a new one, just fill in this form, and we’ll update the finder!

To all you awesome meetup organisers out there, thanks! And if you’ve not been along to one before, please do. I’ve never been to one that wasn’t welcoming, and well worth the price of admission.

Your opinion:


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