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The internet of things and The Web of Things

  • By: John
  • Tweet: @johnallsopp
  • July 17, 2013

Withings Pulse Image courtesy Gdgt Pulse review

The core idea in the Web of Things is to represent the real-​​world objects as resources and interact with them using Representational State Transfer (ReST) style of communications. In other words, using all the normal tools that we already have for building the various web applications. These tools include:

  • IP itself, running on top of any link technology
  • HTTP and TCP, or CoAP and UDP
  • Data formats such as XML and JSON
  • TLS and DTLS for security, along with the necessary data object security mechanisms
  • Directory and discovery mechanisms such as Core Link Format or Resource Directory
  • Application-​​specific resource definitions, such as the IPSO template or Smart Energy Profile 2.0

via The Web of Things | IETF Blog.

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