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Counting Down to the launch of Web Directions south 2013

  • By: John
  • Tweet: @johnallsopp
  • May 27, 2013

Here at Web Directions central, after Maxine’s recent trip to Cape Canaveral, we’ve initiated the launch sequence for this year’s big Web Directions event, Web Directions South 2013. As we speak, we’re putting the finishing touches on the program, and a brand new web site.

We’ll be launching the program on June 17, 9am, AEST, and if you want a reminder, make sure you’re on our mailing list.

If you need pre-​​approval, or to register this Australian Financial year for budgetary approval, we’ve kept the price the same as last year, just $999, with our usual generous discounts for past attendees, and we’ll open up registration shortly.

In the lead up, we want to start whetting your appetite, and we’re releasing some of the until now exclusive for attendees videos of previous events, one per day for the next three weeks. There’ll be big ideas, design, and development goodness from the likes of Lea Verou, Jeremy Ashkenas, Nicole Sullivan, Josh Clarke, Angus Croll, and many others. See the full schedule to plan your next 3 weeks of watching pleasure!

First up is the wonderful keynote from last year’s Web Direction South by Ben Hammersley, The Flower, the Field and the Stack. Enjoy!

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