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Let the Web move you — CSS3 Animations and Transitions

Dear Sir,

I would very important to get the solution of this problem:

If you visit the page what i made, i added to the website url above–

In Firefox not work the transition despite of the fact i used the ” correct” form.

#block4 {width: 196.5px;height: 196.5px; position: absolute;display: block; background: url(“kep4.png”) no-repeat;

–webkit-transition: bottom .3s ease-in-out; /* Saf3.2+, Chrome */

–moz-transition: bottom .3s ease-in-out; /* FF4+ */

–ms-transition: bottom .3s ease-in-out; /* IE10 */

–o-transition: bottom .3s ease-in-out; /* Opera 10.5+ */

transition: bottom .3s ease-in-out;


Could you give me help?

Thanks in advance!

Daniel Berger


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