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HTML, CSS and the Clientside App | Garann Means presentation

HTML, CSS and the Clientside App — Video Presentation from Garann Means

As much as they affect JavaScript, state, event handling, and default browser behaviour also impact HTML and CSS in the choices we make, optimizations we can take advantage of, and the architecture of our applications as a whole.

Like what you see? Want a piece of the action next time around? Then get along to Web Directions South in Sydney October 24 and 25 2013.

Related presentations

  • Tom Hughes-Croucher - Up and Running with Node.js
  • Greg Rewis - Move it! CSS3 Transitions and Animations
  • Jeff Croft - Elegant web typography
  • John Allsopp - Microformats
  • Fergus Pitt & David Peterson - The mashed up playlist

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