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This article contains 4 images. You will find them at the very end of the article.

This article contains 375 words.

Show Guests

Did you enjoy one of the guests that we had on Edge of the Web Radio? Check out all of our past guests and the information right here! If you are interested in being on the show, then give us a call or message us on Twitter!

Jeremy Epstein

Show 45

Jeremy Epstein is the Vice President of Marketing and Social Navigator at Sprinklr, a social media management system used by large brands to handle and manage their social media presence across multiple social media channels. This episode we talk with Jeremy about social media and how Sprinklr helps larger businesses utilize social media.

Visit Sprinklr’s website to learn more about their social media tool.

Guy Kawasaki

Show 37

Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley venture capitalist, bestselling author, and Apple Fellow. He was one of the Apple employees originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh in 1984.

We focused on his new book : APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur—How to Publish a Book.  

Here’s more about APE

Katy Keim of Lithium

Show 36

Katy Keim serves as Lithium’s Chief Marketing Officer, leading all strategic marketing activities for the company including branding, positioning, communications, go-to-market strategy, and customer acquisition programs.

The Lithium Social Customer Experience Platform allows brands to build vibrant customer communities that grow brand advocacy, drive sales, reduce services costs and accelerate innovation.

Here’s more about Lithium

Don Wettrick

Show 28

Don Wettrick runs a one-of-a-kind high school class called Innovations at Franklin Community High School in Franklin, Indiana. Innovations is a class that combines project based learning with 21st Century Skills. Wettrick’s class is currently working on a project called “The Twitter Experiment.” To learn more about the video, you can watch it here.

Wettrick also is a Microsoft Partners in Learning participant, Skype collaborator and FCTV Advisor.


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