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A Dao of Web Design at 13

  • By: John
  • Tweet: @johnallsopp
  • April 8, 2013

Today (or yesterday, depending where you are in the world, and indeed perhaps many years ago now, if you’re reading this in the future) a little article I wrote in the then quite young “A List Apart” turned 13.

Challenging F Scott Fitzgerald’s dictum, since turning the ripe old age of 10 it has had something of a second act, in no small part thanks to Ethan Marcotte’s hugely influential Responsive Web Design article itself published in A List Apart, now coming up on three years of age.

Rarely a few days go by these days that I don’t see some tweet about the article, which I would have found remarkable in 2000. At that time, as I’ve remarked before, I really felt the article stated the obvious, and would quickly become a quaint footnote in history, a remembrance of a web past.

I’m currently working on something of a reappraisal, which I hope to publish in the coming weeks. And I’m definitely interested in your thoughts about what value, if any, A Dao of Web Design has in 2013, when the future we saw far ahead in 2000 has well and truly arrived.

Feel free to leave thoughts, long or short, critical, or otherwise, below.

Your opinion:


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