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Cameron Adams – The future of web interfaces

Cameron Adams — The future of web interfaces

A presentation given at Web Directions North, Vancouver Canada, January 31 2008.

  • MP3 of presentation
  • Presentation slides (PDF, 69MB)
  • Session description
  • About Cameron Adams

Session description

We’re at an exciting time in the development of web-​​based interfaces — along with a maturing front-​​end toolkit (CSS & JavaScript), there are so many technologies, trends and exciting ideas emerging that are enabling us to push the boundaries of interface design.

Author, designer and code cowboy Cameron Adams will explore some of these areas and how they will apply to our development of online interfaces, including: the possibilities of front-​​end customisation, application interfaces, browser-​​native vector graphics, and the general duty of all web developers to make things interesting.

About Cameron Adams

Cameron Adams — The Man in Blue — melds a background in Computer Science with over eight years experience in graphic design to create a unique approach to interface design. Using the latest technologies, he likes to play in the intersection between design and code to produce innovative but usable sites and applications.

In addition to the projects he’s currently tinkering with, Cameron writes about the Internet and design in general on his well respected weblog, and has written several books ranging in topics from JavaScript, to CSS, and design. His latest publication — Simply JavaScript — takes a bottom-​​up, quirky-​​down approach to the basics of JavaScript coding.

Related presentations

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  • Hannah Donovan - Telling stories through design
  • Brian Fling - Six rules to designing amazing mobile apps
  • Matt Balara - Flogging design: best practices in online shop design

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