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The State of Web Development 2012

Hello and Thanks

Hello and thanks for taking the time to participate in our fourth "State of Web Development" survey.

The survey has been hand crafted by John Allsopp, and is brought to you by Web Directions


All answers are completely anonymous.

The Survey runs until December 20th and we'll publish the data in full (anonymized as we mentioned), and some findings soon after.

Thanks again for taking a few minutes to do the survey!

What's it about?

The goal of the "state of web development" survey is to learn more about the technologies and practices developers are using in late 2012.

What technologies and techniques are developers using to build their sites, and applications? What devices are they targetting? What version of HTML? What features of CSS are they using? What JavaScript libraries, languages, databases, and frameworks are they using.

you can see the results of previous surveys at the Web Directions website

  • 2011
  • 2010
  • 2008/2009
First name:Last name: Email address:

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