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Production | Web Directions - Part 2

Presentations about production

Cheryl Gledhill & Scott Gledhill — Beyond SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a unique mix of marketing, usability and technology which can often cause confusion on how it is implemented across different organisations. An important part of your SEO strategy is getting the most out of your SEO dollars. This session will explain what your developers, designers, producers, content authors and marketers should all know about SEO to ensure you’re getting the maximum return on your SEO.

See the slides and hear the podcast »

Elliot Jay Stocks — Progressive enhancement

In the summer of ‘07 in a flood-​​soaked Oxford, England, Elliot appeared on stage for the very first time. His presentation, ‘Progressive Enhancement & Intentional Degradation’, looked at how to reward modern browsers with the latest CSS tricks and punish IE by dropping certain site features. Over two years later, what has changed? We’re starting to see the ideology of progressive enhancement — especially with CSS3 — spread throughout the web design community, but more work needs to be done.

See the slides and hear the podcast »

Pete Ottery — Designing for suits

Designing websites in amongst the “suits” and their business models, targets, projections and synergies (ha!) can be death by dot point. Or fun. What are manager types actually thinking when they brief (or don’t) you. How do you translate their KPI’s into interface designs that

  • 1. get their point across & achieve their targets
  • 2. contribute to a profitable business
  • 3. are easy to use (who would have thought the users get a say! ;-)
  • See the slides and hear the podcast »

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