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Facebook Launches Targeted Page Posts A Powerful Tool For Plumbers

by Dean Iodice on September 5, 2012

Facebook the leader in Social Media sites, needs to find a way to become a marketing platform and slowly they are pushing out features to cater to the wants and needs of businesses who want to use the platform as a powerful marketing tool. The latest feature is called targeted page posts, which allows you to create posts that reach specific segments.

For instance if a Plumbing company wants to target women in a certain age demographic in a specific geographic area you can do it. If a Plumbing company wants to appeal to people with certain interests, that can now be done.

Now keep in mind the targeted message only reaches the fans you have, but this is a great tool if you want to target specific people in your fan base. Maybe you want to offer a coupon to a certain group but not to everyone.

Facebook as with all upgrades pushes out their new features gradually, so you may not have the upgrade yet.

Last updated by Dean Iodice at September 5, 2012.

Tagged as: Facebook, Facebook Targeted Page Posts, Social Media Marketing

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