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Home Care Marketing: The 2 Ways You Can Help YOURSELF and your home care website.

Role with Google Changes..Hands Off is Less of an Option

LTCEP keeps up with all of the Google changes. Algorithm changes happen quickly and frequently.

There are 2 MAJOR items that help your home care website rank on the first page of Google. One of them is mandatory.

1. Backlinks. 

Do you know what that means? That means that OTHER websites think YOUR website is so cool, important, or informational that they link to YOUR website.

Where do you get tons of backlinks? From LTCEP primarily. We have half a dozen or more authority sites across the internet that we highlight your website on, and link back to your website. Where else can you get backlinks? From marketing partners in your community. Also, when we set up your business listings (Google Places etc) we give you backlinks.  Can you help get backlinks? Sure! Ask your marketing partners if they would be willing to link to your website. Is this mandatory? Not really, because we have this covered. 

Should you BUY backlinks. No, NEVER. Backlinks have to be relevant to your industry and to your website. That’s why LTCEP handles this.

2. Content.

Content IS mandatory, and very important. Blog posts, articles, videos, pictures, flyers, you name it. If you can post it on your website, it’s content.

What does LTCEP do? Depending on your contract, LTCEP posts blog posts 1-4 times per week. We have content written specifically for home care and assisted living.

What do YOU need to do? You need to be more proactive in contributing content to your own website. This isn’t an LTCEP request, it’s a GOOGLE request. Ok, more like a Google demand. Sounds like a pain, but we have compiled a list of tons of different items you can contribute to help your website show up on the first page of Google.

Remember, content needs to be UNIQUE - meaning that it’s not published elsewhere on the internet. If you are a franchise owner and you post the latest article that your Corporate Office emails over to you, guess what, that’s NOT unique content.

Here are some easy suggestions for content: (Remember this is mandatory PER GOOGLE!)

  • Send us a paragraph about the next event your company is attending. This could be a dinner, a senior fair, a networking event, a health fair, a job fair. You name it.
  • Send us a picture of the event. The registration table, your booth, the crowd, the speaker, you, your staff. This can be a cell phone picture. Nothing fancy required.
  • Send us a paragraph and a picture of an employee who did something outstanding, who is consistently on time and never calls in sick, who went above and beyond the call of duty.
  • Send us a paragraph and a picture of an employee who completed some type of training.
  • Send us a paragraph and a picture of an employee who won an award, is employee of the week, employee of the month, is nominated for something special.
  • Send us a paragraph about an event your are sponsoring. The Alzheimer’s Walk this fall is a good example.
  • Send us a paragraph about a marketing partner, or a referral source. Highlight someone you enjoy doing business with.
  • Interviewa member of your community who runs a business that is not competitive with your business (this can be done over the phone) and send us the write up.
  • Interview an employee and find out why they choose to be a caregiver for your company.
  • Send us a paragraph….Tell us about your next speaking engagement, who is your audience, when is it happening, where is it happening? Take pictures at the event and send them to us.
  • Send us a paragraph…Pick a monthly senior service business in your area and do a short write up on their services. (Let them know!)
  • Send us a paragraph…Tell us about something the Alzheimer’s Association is doing in your area- classes they are holding, Alzheimer’s Updates, caregiver support groups.
  • Send us a paragraph…We want your client testimonials. If they send a thank you care, type it up, if they send an email, forward it to us. ALWAYS ask for permission to print the review or testimonial online. We do not want testimonials that are already published, we want NEW testimonials. You should ask for testimonials every time you send out an invoice, everytime you discharge from service. You should be calling to find out how clients are doing, and ask for testimonials at that time. This is the best unique content EVER!
  • Send us an article that comes from your head or your heart about caregiving. Interview yourself. Why do you own a home care agency? Or why do you enjoy working for one?
  • Send us a paragraph about a new service, a new offer, a new product.
  • Send us a paragraph about a new key employee.
  • Is there something new your city or state is offering seniors? Something new happening? Write it up!
  • What about video? Feeling creative? Shoot a video about your services or your business and let us post it for you!

What else can you think of?

Submit all content to us through support at

LTC Expert Publications

3220 Domain St Saint Charles, MO, 63301 USA • 8884041513

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