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This article contains 240 words.

Win cool stuff! | Web Directions

Win cool stuff!

Each week, exclusively for people on our newsletter, we run a contest where we give away cool stuff for web people. Get your answer in below and we’ll announce the winner on Tuesday afternoon — it’s too easy!

June 22 contest: win the HTML5 Comfort Pack

The prize for our first competition is an “HTML5 Comfort Pack” of some great CSS3 and HTML5 books by past Web Directions speakers.

  • The Definitive Guide to HTML5 Video by Silvia Pfeiffer from Apress
  • HTML5 Games Most Wanted by various HTML5 games dev gurus including Rob Hawkes, from Friends of Ed
  • Developing with Web Standards, by Web Directions’ own John Allsopp, from Peachpit
  • HTML5 and CSS3 for the real world from Sitepoint, by Alexis Goldstein, Louis Lazaris & Estelle Weyl

To be in the running to win just let us know your answer to the question below, as well as your name and email address — only so we can contact you if you win!

Thanks for entering the competition — we’ll be letting the winner know on Tuesday afternoon.

What is the date of the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere this year?*

What’s your email address?*

What’s your name?*

Terms and Conditions


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