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SEO Strategies « Butch Hamilton Videos

SEO Strategies 


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SEO Strategies

In online business in the year 2012, there is much knowledge that should be learned concerning the art and science of creatively promoting a marketing site to the pinnacle of Google for a high traffic area. Much discussion on forums, Google news, RSS feeds and more address this all too common issue, and newbies to the Internet may have a tendency to be taken in by the newest and latest widget software that can do all the work, with no effort for a low introductory price. Lies, hype and scam are an all too often occurrence on Google these days in the SEO industry as there seems to be an onslaught of newcomer so called SEO gurus that are trying their hand at promoting sites to top positions on the Internet. Often times, these experts are nothing more than charlatans, cloaked in deceit, and are totally willing to strip good people from their money at a moments notice for quality search search engine optimizing and advertising work. Often times, these good people will receive, for their hard earned dollars spent, no more than a few random links posted around the Internet, and quite often, will find that their very site has been hacked, and actually made into an advertising platform for these companies.

To be sure, these people and organization make it that much more difficult to work on the Internet by providing good services. There is another fact and this is that the way to gain notoriety and presence on Google, and the other major searches of the Internet, is by using keyword specific writing, that will build relevant back links over time. That is the true intent and purpose of SEO, and it is exactly the process that we @ Butch Hamilton and Associates, run our one of a kind SEO business. We do not need to convince, coerce or lie our way to the top, as our systems and strategies deal with the simplest of processes, and the best way to actually build a professional profile on the Internet for a name, or a business model.

Search engine optimizing a site simply means quietly working in the background, creating the best and most relevant content and submitting that content to live submission services. It is that simple and that effective to gain search rankings. We simply leave all the SEO gurus out on Google to their deceptive rhetoric and unrealistic claims, and simply provide our clients with unmatched search engine optimization services.

Butch Hamilton and Associates

VM Group LLC


PO Box 32590

Amarillo, TX 79120


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