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Market Your Plumbing Business Online | SEO for Plumbers

by Dean Iodice on May 1, 2012

When someone has a plumbing problem in your town, who do they call?

Hopefully the answer is you, but if it’s not, then you have to ask yourself why? Is it your reputation, is it the economy or is it your marketing?

Well let’s break that down.

Is it your reputation?

Reputation is one of the biggest things you have as a contractor, so it’s vital that it’s a great reputation. The question I have now is…Are you listening? Listening gives you all the power. What are your customers saying about you? Is it good, is it bad. A good social media campaign gives you the edge, it allows you to manage your reputation by listening to what people are saying, and engaging in either the good or bad situations. If someone is complaining in a public space, it’s because they want resolve. Engaging with an unhappy client is a great opportunity to fix a relationship and in a public space other see you care. No one’s perfect, but the guy that fixes the problem is the guy that gets the business.

Is it the economy?

Yeah I know the economy has changed, some say it’s bad. The reality of it is we have to make do with what we have. Gone are the days of the big real estate boom, where people were doing upgrades, fixing things and spending money like rock stars. Those days are gone and those days were not normal either. The economy has changed but people still need a plumber, suck it up don’t blame the economy, it’s time to market smarter.

Is It Your Marketing?

Are you marketing? Where are you marketing? Is your marketing working? In order to be successful, you have to market and market smart. The shift from off line marketing like the Yellow Pages has moved to the online space, like Internet Marketing. SEO, Social Media, Email, these forms of marketing are the places you need to be advertising your plumbing business. In the early days of Internet Marketing the search engines really catered to a world wide audience, hence the name World Wide Web (www). Times have changed and today Google really emphasizes the local business. Google Maps and Organic Search when properly optimized can drive a lot of local business for your plumbing company.

So when a plumbing problem happens in your town, who do they call? You if you market right.

Want to learn more about marketing your Plumbing business online, download our FREE Interent Marketing Guide 

Tagged as: plumberseo, Social Media for Plumbers

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Plumber SEO provides Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing & Online Marketing Services & Strategies to Plumbers & Plumbing Contractors across the US & Internationally.


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