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Social | Web Directions South 2012

Sydney, October 16–19

  • Speakers & Sessions
  • Workshops
  • Social
  • Schedule
  • Pricing
  • Venue
  • Register now

With fully catered breaks and parties on both nights, you get to connect with your peers and start a conversation, a project, a business, or hatch a plan for world domination. Register now or read on.

We all know that 50% * of the goodness of being at an event happens after hours. Amazing presentations are critical so we put a lot of time into a program that is right on the mark. But this is nothing without opportunities to connect with other attendees and discuss what you’ve seen and heard. That’s why Web Directions is fully catered, and includes an awesome party at the end of both days.

So, to close off our first day on Thursday, there’ll be our reception, a chance to meet with fellow attendees, and connect with our exhibitors over a glass of wine and some fine nibbles, or just watch the sun go down over Sydney, from one of the best views there is of the city.

Then, just when you think it’s all over, it’s not! On Friday night head out to our closing night party for music, a bite to eat, a drink, and more.

* percentage may be made up


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