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Pinterest For Plumbers | Plumber Internet Marketing

by Dean Iodice on April 30, 2012

If you’ve read this blog or listened to any of my podcasts you’ll know that I’m a huge believer in social media marketing for plumbing businesses. It’s my job to know what the new thing in social media is and how you can take advantage of it for your plumbing company. I talk a lot about Facebook and Twitter but today I’m going to introduce you to Pinterest. Right now Pinterest is the number 3 most popular social networking site behind Facebook and Twitter and it’s growing fast. Now whether it’s going to be a long term success is yet to be seen.

So what is Pinterest?

I can describe Pinterest in many different ways but in it’s simplest terms it nothing more than an electronic pin board, hence the name Pinterest, pinning up interesting stuff. It’s based on the very basic concept of finding images online and saving them in different collections. So if you were interested in cars you might have a pin board with all kinds of cars, if you were interested in flowers you would have a board with all types of photos of flowers and so on. The social aspect of this is that people that like your photo will follow you, like you, comment on your photo or repin it to their own pin boards. The cool factor here is that the photo is a link to your website. Here is an alarming statistic, 85% of the Pinterest community are women. Women are a Plumbers best friend. So Pinterest for plumbers is a must.

Pictures are cool, but how does Pinterest work for Plumbers?

This is where creative minds work, how do we make plumbing photos sexy enough to get repinned? It’s easier than you think.

  • Posting a pin board of bathroom or kitchen remodeling projects is a big hit.
  • Post photos of the latest cool bathroom fixtures, women love to browse this, toilets, faucets, etc.
  • Posting photos of cool bathroom accessories, yeah it’s not down and dirty plumbing work but it peaks interest and gets people to your site.

The power of Pinterest is mind blowing I have seen websites go from 300 visitors a month to over 5000 in a very short time. It’s a must add to your social media marketing toolbox.

Dean Iodice is Co-Founder of and our resident social media, graphic design & Internet marketing guy. He has been involved in ALL THINGS web for over 15 Years and has a passion for Internet Marketing & Social Media. Dean is currently the Director of Customer Experience here at PlumberSEO.

Dean Iodice

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