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Imporatance of Mobile Websites for Plumbing, HVAC & Home Services Contractors

Why Mobile Websites Are Important for Plumbers, HVAC & Home Services Professionals

The Internet has evolved a lot in the last five years, 10 years. We’ve seen the transition over the years from driving business for your plumbing and home services business directly via the Yellow Pages. Now, people have shifted to the Internet. They’re searching on Google and Yahoo and Bing. So, I need to have a website. I need to start thinking about search engine optimization. But, that shift has moved even one step further now to the place where when people do search for you online, trying to find your services, in a lot of cases, they’re going to be conducting that search from a mobile based device. When I say a mobile based device, I am really referring to a mobile phone, either an iPhone or an Android based phone, possibly an iPad or some type of a mobile device where they’re not sitting in front of their computer.

They don’t have a regular explorer, right in front of their face. This becomes important because if you got a website that was built with a flash design or just all HTML based, there’s a good probability, when your surfer, your consumer gets to that website, even if you’re showing up at the top of the search engines for your city plus your service. If they get to that website on their mobile device and it’s not visible. In a lot of cases, actually statistics indicate that more than 11 percent of websites simply aren’t even viewable on mobile devices.

But, even taking a step beyond that, even if your website is viewable, in most cases, if it’s not properly designed for a mobile device, it’s going to be very hard for somebody to access it. In other words, if they want to find your name, your contact information, your address, more information about the services that you offer, trying to find that on a little screen like a mobile device screen can be very cumbersome for them. So, you really want to think about this.

The latest statistics indicate a 1000 percent increase in usage of people accessing websites on mobile devices. I really want you to just think for one second about how typical consumers are going to find you, if they’re looking for plumbing or home related services. In a lot of cases, we know it’s emergency based. They’ve got a situation they need an immediate answer and immediate solution.

And, more and more especially in the type of business that you operate in, they’re going to be accessing and looking for you on a mobile device. So, you want to make sure that you’ve got a website that’s built with that type of consumer in mind. Whether they came to your website via their computer, via iPhone, be an Android device, it’s really simple for them to find the information that they need. I think in a perfect world a mobile built website should be a different version of your website, than what you have on your computer screen.

Because it’s a much smaller screen that they’re looking at and in a lot of cases, they’re not doing that research that they would be doing from their computer. They don’t want to know your whole back story. They don’t need to read 10 pages about what makes you unique. When they’re looking on a mobile device, in most cases, they want quick access to information. They want to know, what area are you in service? And, they want to be able to quickly press one button and call you.

So, really that’s the power of mobile websites in your home services and plumbing based business. You want to make sure that when that person searches, your city emergency plumber and lands on your website, you get a quick easily accessible website. That they know where you’re located, they know what services you offer and they can press one button and be on the phone connected to your company. So, definitely start thinking about getting a mobile strategy in place. Really not as complicated as you might think.

If you like to learn more about mobile websites for your plumbing, HVAC home services business, go to We’ve got a lot of information about mobile sites. Obviously, that’s something we could help you with. The other thing you’re going to want to check out on the website is our free Internet Marketing and SEO guide.

That guide really takes you step?by?step to the most important things you can be doing as plumbing HVAC home services business to position yourself, not only to show up as people search for what you do on the map and your intersection. But, also how you can really leverage complete Internet marketing strategy that includes social media and it includes mobile marketing towards really maximize your profitability and the real opportunity for your business on the Internet.

In order to access that guide, it’s completely free. Just go to and you can download it. It’s about 153 pages, a lot of great information. It is really “how to” based. We want you to be able to read through it, get ideas and strategies and really “how to” information which you can implement on your own.

Of course, if you have any questions, if you like to talk with us, if you’re interested in having somebody do some of the stuff for you, we welcome the opportunity. You can reach me directly at 866-610-4647.

Josh Nelson is the Co-Founder of PlumberSEO and specializes in helping Plumbers, HVAC Contractors & Home Services Professionals Increase their sales & grow their business by more effectively marketing online.

He is the Author of The Complete Guide to Internet Marketing for Plumbing Contractors and often speaks at PHHC, Contractor & Other Industry Events. Download his FREE Internet Marketing & SEO Guide at


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