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Rob Manson – Web standards based Augmented Reality

Rob Manson — Web standards based Augmented Reality

Web Directions South 2011, Sydney, October 13th.

  • Audio recording of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • About Rob Manson

Presentation slides

Session description

Augmented Reality lets you peel away the blinkers from your real world eyes to see the rich data and information that exists all around you. But up until now it has relied largely on proprietary tools and standards. Finally, we’re close to being able to augment our world using web technologies. Soon this will be a common part of the web browsing and mobile device experience. Now is the time to look at these future trends and the state of a specific list of API standardisation activities and the forces shaping them. We’ll also look at the current obstacles, risks and issues to explore what may prevent this landscape from evolving as it appears it will.

This presentation aims to document the AR standardisation efforts over the last few years as well as what’s possible right now and in the near future from a distinctly web-​​based perspective.

About Rob Manson

Rob is the Managing Director and co-​​founder of MOB, an innovative R&D lab based in Sydney. He regularly presents on mobile, AR and future technology developments. He is a co-​​founder of http://​AR​-UX​.com & http://​ARStandards​.org and is an invited expert on the W3C’s Points of Interest Working Group. Rob is not just a spectator when it comes to the future of technology, he’s actively working to shape it. And he’s been doing this though building web based startups in Sydney since 1994.

Follow Rob on Twitter: @nambor

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