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May 23–24

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Two full days of all you can eat HTML5 and JavaS­cript goodness.

You can down­load this sched­ule dir­ectly into a schedul­ing applic­a­tion like iCal or Out­look. But of course, you don’t need to do this — you’ll get a copy of the sched­ule at the conference.

Wed­nes­day, May 23 2012

TimeSes­sions08:01–09:00Regis­tra­tion09:00–09:15Open­ing Comments09:15–10:10The Web Devel­op­ment Work­flow of 2013 with Paul Irish10:10–10:40Morn­ing tea10:40–11:30Device APIs-closing the gap between nat­ive and web with Dave John­son11:30–12:20HTML5 Mes­saging with Damon Oehl­man12:20–13:20Lunch13:20–13:40The HTML5 His­tory API: Push­State or bust! with Anson Parker13:40–14:00Imple­ment­ing Video Con­fer­en­cing in HTML5 with Silvia Pfeif­fer14:00–14:20Get­ting all touchy feely with the mobile web with Andrew Fisher14:20–14:40To be announced14:40–15:00To be announced15:00–15:30After­noon tea15:30–16:20Get­ting off(line): appcache, loc­al­Stor­age and more for faster apps that work off­line with John All­sopp16:20–17:15Design­ing in the browser with Divya Manian17:15–17:25Day 1 Clos­ing Comments

Thursday, May 24 2012

TimeSes­sions09:00–09:10Day 2 Open­ing comments09:10–10:05HTML5 tech­no­lo­gies and game devel­op­ment with Rob Hawkes10:05–10:35Morn­ing tea10:35–11:25NPM: Node’s Per­sonal Manser­vant with Jed Schmidt11:25–12:15Remov­ing the gag from your browser with Jared Wyles12:15–13:15Lunch13:15–13:35Party like it’s 1999, write JavaS­cript like it’s 2012! with Tony Milne13:35–13:55The main event: bey­ond event listen­ers with Damon Oehl­man13:55–14:15Get­ting Clos­ure with Mark Dalgleish14:15–14:35Debug­ging secrets for the lazy developer with Ryan Sed­don14:35–14:55To be announced14:55–15:25After­noon tea15:25–16:15Cli­ent­side tem­plates for react­ive UI with Tim Oxley16:15–17:10To be announced17:10–17:30Clos­ing Comments

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