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Introduction To The New Social SEO Podcast

Haha.. I totally sounded like I was fishing for some credit there!

The neat thing is that it seems we were thinking a lot of the same things this whole time and then we both realized we had a similar vision for our industry.. I find it neat how the blogosphere has a magical way of transmitting our ideas to our closest colleagues. That’s when the best collaborations take place!

You’re absolutely right about this message being crucial right now. I can’t tell you how many companies I see dump thousands of dollars a month into paid advertisements simply because they don’t think SEO gets real results. I’m not saying PPC/CPC doesn’t work but it’s good to have options, right?

Demystifying SEO and removing some of the stigmas attached to it is a worthy cause, whether you love search marketing or just want to understand what online marketing really can be.

Rants are great.. I often rant in comments. I’d like to think people enjoy those crazy tangents as well.

…And you’re quite welcome – I’m really stoked about this initiative, but you know this already!

Yomar Lopez recently posted..Support-A-Thon: What’s Your Digital Footprint Say About You?


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