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Facebook for Plumbers | Facebook Page for Plumbing Contractors

Are you just another Plumbing Contractor…or do you have your own identity? Business identity that is.

You know what business identity is, it’s your plumbing companies brand on your business cards, brochures, uniforms, trucks and website. So why is that every time I come across a Plumbing business Facebook Page I see the same plain Facebook page that everyone else has. Then I see just a few posts and nothing more? Sound Familiar?


Let me see if I understand this, there is a website, with 600 MILLION REGISTERED USERS, some of which are your HAPPY CUSTOMERS and their family and close friends and you are not trying to tap into that market? When I say it that way it sounds weird right?

The very first thing to do is to create a Facebook personal profile, then create a business page. This gives you a place to show your business to the Facebook world. Post your YouTube videos, share information about your business and industry. Start posting tips on Plumbing and best of all invite your customers to join the conversation. Ask them to leave testimonials about your service, this puts your business in front off all their friends. Don’t you think the next time one of their friends are in need of plumbing services you will be the first one they call?

So now you have some exposure on Facebook, lets now carry over your brand. You can create a graphical page that looks and feels like your companies website with links, forms and video. It’s not as simple as filling setting up a Facebook profile, but with a little Photoshop and HTML you can publish something quite nice. Don’t have the time or knowledge to create your own page then contract a company to do it for you, just get your business on Facebook.

Tagged as: Facebook, Facebook Page

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