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Website Reviews by Butch Hamilton ยซ BUTCH HAMILTON PODCASTS

Website Reviews by Butch Hamilton

Website Reviews by Butch Hamilton

The intent and purpose of the above mentioned website is both an SEO experiment, but much more than that to the casual Google reader. I wanted to make an important point as to the importance of in the overall promoting process on the Internet. Its a well known fact that spending time developing a working relationship with is something that is well worth the time and effort.

Writing website reviews is a positive method to gain increased exposure on the Internet for digital information. If one should pursue the art and science of search engine optimization from accomplishing this task, rather than spend time pitching deals to make money online, the time spent would be much more valuable.

The world of the Internet if obviously mysterious. If one should find a site on Google that speaks of getting rich quick, or they have โ€œcracked the codeโ€ on marketing, its time to put on the Nikes and head for the hills. There are no quick fix secret software programs that get one to the top of the search engines with no effort. Basically, there are many back street con artists, just waiting to grab each and every dollar they can from unwary and naive people trying to build a business online. Even the so-called SEO gurus out there could be nothing more than some man or woman who is claiming to be the best at site promoting. This author came across one of the geniuses just a few days ago. If that company, or person, really believes that they know SEO, then all is lost on Google as far as credibility. The people this company was working for were frustrated at the results, and it was little wonder they contacted me for advice.

The Website Reviews by Butch Hamilton site will be a multi-purpose work in progress study and evaluation of what makes a website popular. It will contain essential elements needed to get to the top of website reviews with time, and it will be added to the already powerful branding of Butch Hamilton on Google. I will be reviewing many sites on Alexa.come over the next few weeks and months, and will, as always, report my findings on the progress of the new domain name purchase just made a few days back.

I am even thinking of opening this site up for others to use, and do their own website evaluations, but have not fully considered that at this point.

The site will also be used to study the process called backlinking. I have noticed that in the SEO industry there is much discussion concerning backlinks and their importance. I will say that relevant backlinks are different from just adding links to some site. There is a specific way to gain notoriety and presence on Google, and that is the art and science of creating original content. I viewed a site just a couple of days ago that had built some 5,000 backlinks. But in further exploring those backlinks, they all came from the same site! Anyone that has chosen the path of SEO knows full well that that is just not the way to gain recognition on the searches.

As usual, all the links in this article are safe to view. I only follow Google Tools for Webmasters guidelines in promoting any site to top high traffic keyword positions.

Butch Hamilton

Director of Marketing Veretekk

VM Group LLC

Website Design Services

Google Reader

1-806-367-9107 Office

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Office Hours: 9 AM โ€“ 6 PM CST M-F

Published: Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Category: Website Reviews

Tags: AM, best free website builder review, best free website hosting review, best free website reviews, best website templates reviews, build your own website reviews, Butch Hamilton, checklist, customer review website, ecommerce website reviews, free website builder reviews, free website review, free website reviews, review website, review websites, SEO, website builder review, website builder reviews, website builder reviews 2010, website building reviews, website cms reviews, website creator reviews, website design review, website development software reviews, website host reviews, website hosting review, website hosting reviews, website hosting reviews cnet, website providers reviews, website ratings and reviews, website ratings reviews, website review, website reviews, website reviews and ratings, website reviews by butch hamilton, website template reviews, website templates reviews, website tonight reviews, wedding website reviews


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