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Creative Writing for the Internet-Press Release « BUTCH HAMILTON PODCASTS

Session three in the creative writing for the Internet course will be covering press release writing. You are invited to attend this timely and thought provoking session that you hear on TalkShoe Radio! Simply go to: BUTCHHAMILTONSCONFERENCEROOM.COM and follow the prompts on that page. Any and all are welcome to come and listen as Butch Hamilton mentors on the art and science of search engine optimization on Google! Butch Hamilton-1-806-367-9107-platinumseotools @ Hours 9AM-6PM CST-M-F-Visit: SEOEXPERTTECHNIQUES.COM, BUTCHHAMILTONSCONFERENCEROOM.COM AND BUTCHHAMILTONVIDEOS for more great info concerning real time search engine optimization techniques and strategies that work.

Published: Saturday, September 3rd, 2011

Category: Search Engine Optimization Services Podcasts

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