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This article contains 2 images. You will find them at the very end of the article.

This article contains 244 words.


Get in touch with us

Got some­thing on your mind? Drop your ques­tions or con­cerns into the form below, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

If you’d like to go on the wait­list for either our Syd­ney or Mel­bourne events, this is the place to let us know.

See below for postal, phone and fax con­tact details.

We are:



First, what’s your name:

And your email address:

And what’s your ques­tion / con­cern:

Post details

If you need to send us some­thing, our postal address is

Web Direc­tions Con­fer­ence Pty Ltd

Unit 2 148 Vic­to­ria St

Potts Point NSW


By fax

If you need to fax us any­thing, the num­ber is + 61 2 8088 3835.

On the phone

And if you really really have to call us on the tele­phone, just be aware that there isn’t always some­one avail­able to take calls, so please leave a mes­sage and we’ll get back to you as soon as pos­si­ble. You sure it wouldn’t be bet­ter in an email? The num­ber is +61 2 9043 6797.


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