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What do you know?: Welcome!

Web Direc­tions’ “What do you know?” in Syd­ney and Mel­bourne was an awe­some free evening of learn­ing and lev­ity for any­one who works on the web. On the night there were 10 fast and furi­ous 5 minute demos of cool tricks, tech­niques and knowl­edge from the most cun­ning and art­ful mas­ters of the local web crowd — catch all the videos of the live screen­casts here!

Fol­low @webdirections or sign up to our newslet­ter to be the first to hear about upcom­ing What Do You Know nights.

Oh and, for two whole days of fun and learn­ing just like What Do You Know, we’ll see you at Web Direc­tions South in Syd­ney in October!

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