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Bring back the CSS bike shedding property!

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • September 6, 2011

There’s not necessarily a lot of whimsy in the world of web standards. A great deal of value, a lot of hard work by really smart people, but not whimsy.

Well, recently there’s been a little bit of whimsy in the otherwise dry, but very useful CSS3 Text module, with the “bikeshedding” property. But sadly, no more. bikeshedding is now more prosaically named “white-​​space-​​collapsing”, and I for one think this is wrong. So wrong, that I’m campaigning for the reinstatement of the bike shedding name.

If like me, you want to bring a little bit of whimsy back to web standards, then join the campaign by commenting below, and bring back bikeshedding!

Your opinion:


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