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Why You Should Not Market Affiliate Links

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Affiliate marketing simply means that one signs up for an MLM or network marketing business. They are given, or are sold, a website and told to go about the job of promoting that site to Google. The problem with all of this is the fact that very few, if any sites that are replicated affiliate sites are anything more than digital trash. Search engine spiders do not read these sites for the individual, but only for the corporate site. The bottom line is this. Affiliate marketers are doing nothing to build their own business; however, anything that they do to promote on the Internet does build the corporate website. This is the reason that one sees good for corporate sites.

If the company has 10,000 affiliate members, and at least a few of them are promoting their sites online, then chances are very good that the corporate site will prosper, but the burning question is: Do the affiliate marketers prosper? The answer to that question is a flat and undeniable NO!

Do not be dismayed by this article or video. Butch Hamilton, Director of Marketing for Veretekk, has provided solutions to the problem. It all begins with purchasing domain names that promote the marketer, NOT the business, and then setting about a path to promote themselves BEFORE they promote their business.

The whole goal is branding the name, NOT the business. People will naturally gravitate to those who have a standing on Google. Listen to the video above for more insights and ideas that are for the express purpose of making money from a work at home business.

Live webinars like this are held each and every Saturday, 2 PM PST, and are for anyone seeking information, ideas, systems, strategies and overviews of the art and science of search engine optimization. Go to: Butch Hamiltons Conference Room to attend the next session!

Butch Hamilton

Director of Marketing Veretekk


Office Hours-9AM-6PM CST

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About admin

Butch Hamilton Director of Marketing Veretekk VM Group LLC Website Design Services Google Reader 1-806-367-9107 (512) 827-0044 ext 1756 Office Hours: 9 AM - 6 PM CST M-F

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