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The Domain Name

Domain Names

There is power in domain names. It has been said many times that if one is to be successful with an Internet business on Google, then buying, and then fully utilizing domain names to the maximum capacity, is simply a great way to approach marketing from a search engine optimization standpoint. It is also interesting to note that the domain name purchased does not necessarily have to be keyword specific. I will give some following examples of what I am talking about below concerning the choosing and implementing of domain names for site promoting.

IGSDT.COM – This domain was purchased by me several years ago. I actually did it for a test. I wanted to see if the domain name is really all that important in the site promoting process. So, I went to my domain company, purchased the domain, and set about the path to building it into a powerful promoting entity. I really had no idea what I was in for, and everything done in the promoting of that domain was simply a test.

The results on IGSDT.COM are amazing. Now, with an Alexa.Com ranking of around 250,000, this domain, with the title, You Can’t Fix Stupid, is a very popular site on the Internet. As amazing as this might sound, I get many site visitors, I am thinking out of curiosity more than anything else, to view and spend a good amount of time on that site.

Another great use of branding by using name domains, is a good thing for anyone to do who is trying to present a positive profile on Google for their name, as well as their business.

Below are some examples of name branding with domain names. – This is a popular site as it contains great information within it. I conduct weekly webinars, open to all by the way, concerning timely topics about search engine optimization, building personal profiles on Google and much more. People coming to this site find good information and details on how to attend these sessions, but more than that, I am once again branding my name Butch Hamilton on Google. – I spend a good deal of time using web conferencing, and then uploading these sessions to YouTube. People who visit this site always find the latest videos I have produced in my web meetings, and can use the information that I provide at any time. Once again; however, Butch Hamilton is being branded again. – On this site, once again a name branding site in progress, houses most of the content that I write for myself, and others as well. This consistent effort pays off in big rewards as people on Google are always searching for content, in high traffic keyword areas.

As one can see, the promoting process on Google requires different techniques like content writing, video creation, podcasting, creating compelling and good user friendly sites and much more. This gives an idea of the importance of domains and the domain name that is ready available for purchasing. $10 is a small price to pay for marketing on the Internet, and the name domain is the key to success.

Note: All the links in this article will take the reader over to other sites that are completely safe to view and evaluate. I only use Google Tools for Webmasters Guidelines in my promoting for your safety.

Butch Hamilton

Published: Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Category: News Press

Tags: Butch Hamilton, COM, Fix Stupid, IGSDT

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