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SEO On Google-The Rules of Engagement Β« BUTCH HAMILTON PODCASTS

SEO On Google-The Rules of Engagement

So you think marking on Google is easy, huh?

Since being involved in the SEO industry for many years, I have seen all sorts of systems, information, techniques and riddles come down the pike. I have seen all the get rich quick schemes and scams, all the misrepresentations of how to do conduct SEO and how not to. I have been witness to amazing feats of brilliance, but more than that, I have seen absolute situations of moronic behavior that stretch even the imagination of the most twisted mind. I have been with companies that were Internet based, but did not want their affiliate members to promote their businesses on the net. I have conducted search engine optimization services for companies that claimed they were not an Internet marketing company. I have seen, witnessed and been there done that, on so many different people and places on Google, that it would melt the heads of most newbie marketers.

The naive part of building a business is this. You find a product or service that you like, and are willing to share that with others. You set about the path of writing, talking, creating videos and all the rest of the ways that people promote businesses on the Internet. You THINK that you are just like everyone else. In other words, millions of people trying to do the same things, the same ways, and coming up with the same results. Is that not the definition of?


Allow me, if you will, to set the rules for you in the game of marketing goods and services on Google.


Do not be dismayed because of this statement. The facts are very clear to me as having been down the rocky road of Internet marketing and search engine optimization for years, that you will lose simply because that there is no way that the very company that you choose to promote your business on, The Google, is not going to allow you to get very far. Oh sure, the mogul maestro will allow the chickens to scratch with the others can the ground, but when you learn to fly with the eagles, LOOK OUT! You will find, as I have done over the years, that the Old Man Google knows all, commands all and literally owns you, and your business, and there is absolutely not one single thing that you can do about it. It is a fact of life that all of us must live with if we are trying to build a business using legitimate ways of marketing.

Having said that, the porn industry thrives. It is an open ball game when it comes to Google allowing this type of information on the Internet. They have no problem at all with keeping, and even promoting porn sites across the globe, but let someone try to make money online, and guess what happens. Your information, if you are not educated in how to protect it, will be gone in an instant.

Competition on the Internet is fierce, but maybe not the way that you perceive it to be at all. You are not competing against others in your field. You are competing with the very information highway that drives the whole enchilada! Amazing as this sounds, it is an undeniable fact, and unless you are well schooled in how to protect yourself from the monster of the net, you will certainly find yourself lose and alone someday, with nothing at all to show for your hard work and effort.

Digital information comes and goes in a heartbeat. Here today, gone the next second, and unless you find a way to protect the only real thing that you have on the Internet, which is your information, then you will surely fall victim to the powers that be. They are so powerful, they do not have to answer your questions of why did you take my information away. They will simply send you a canned email response telling you that you have violated a copyright.

One interesting question in my mind remains. HOW DO YOU VIOLATE A COPYRIGHT CLAUSE, IF ALL THE INFORMATION COMES DIRECTLY FROM YOU? If someone can answer that question, then surely, wars, famine, catastrophes of all types could certainly be remedied very quickly. It confirms my thinking that YOU JUST CAN’T FIX STUPID!

Butch Hamilton

Director of Marketing Veretekk

Published: Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Category: News Press

Tags: Marketing Veretekk, Old Man Google, SEO

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