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Classified Ads

Classified Ads

If you had access to a system, say for instance, 1-Family Classified Ads, and you knew, without a doubt, that this is a substantial way to advertise your business, then would you setup a routine in your marketing, and create hundreds and thousands of these on a daily business to tell and show others about what you are doing to make money online?

If you knew for a fact that you could build backlinks, relevant backlinks, that would push your marketing site higher in the search engines, then would you change your thinking about writing, and set about the path to submitting written text on a daily basis?

If you knew someone in your organization, like Butch Hamilton, who has been in the search engine optimization business for years, and promoted countless sites to top positions on the Internet, would you listen to what they say, and follow their instructions to the letter?

Or, would you cloud the issue of trying to figure out how to promote your business, and literally walk around and away from everything that could assist you in doing that, and choose to listen, read and plan to get started by listening to so-called gurus talk and ramble on about what to do, or not do as far as gaining recognition and prominence for your business online?

Would you rather choose to hover around Skype chats, Facebook, Twitter and the other services like those, and try to figure it all out, when you could just be writing daily content for site promoting?

The bottom line to this so called ad, is that posting to 1-Family classified ads does work. So, how many classified ads have you posted today? Think about it!

Butch Hamilton

Director of Marketing Veretekk


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Published: Friday, August 5th, 2011

Category: News Press

Tags: Butch Hamilton, Family Classified Ads, Marketing Veretekk

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