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Internet Marketing Tips For Plumbers

by deaniodice on June 22, 2011

Don’t you feel a personal connection when you visit a website that has photos or videos of the people who work at the company? You do, because people connect with you when they see you. Have you ever been to a website where there was nothing but plain white pages and text? It’s like a robot, so ice cold without any personality.

Customers are more likely to do business with a company that adds personality to its web pages. They feel a connection, and then at the time of contact they really feel that they already know and trust you. Remember people like to do business with people they know and trust.

Simply snap some photos of your team and add them to your website with a small bio. To take a step further shoot some short videos talking about your company and some of your services, video makes that personal connection that much better.

Are you currently using video in your business or on your website, I’d love to hear how you use it and the outcome.

Tagged as: Video For Your Website

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