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Welcome Our Newest Client: AutumnGrove Cottage Assisted Living in the Houston Area

Posted on August 3, 2011 in Blog

AutumnGrove Cottage Assisted Living in the Houston Area has 7 locations in the Houston Metro Area

An intimate environment AND professional management can co-exist!

Knowing that the intimate environment AND professional management could co-exist, Bob and Randy determined that they could provide a better solution. This solution would serve both the person with dementia and the family who must place their trust in someone else for the care of their loved one. They spent nearly two years developing the small uniquely designed environment, flexible dementia specific programming and professional management plan. They focused attention on three areas that needed improvement in the Alzheimer’s care industry.

A Difference in Alzheimer’s Care

Bob Fuller and Randy Vanstory set their hearts and minds on developing a different concept in memory care. They began their research early on by looking at existing facility options in the market place for Alzheimer’s care. The words “cold” and “depressing” could describe how they felt about most places they went. Immediately they knew there had to be a better way.

As they continued to tour, they rated places based on one simple question, “Would I want my mother here?” and the answer was consistently “NO”! They knew in their hearts that families and their loved ones suffering with dementia needed a home and a thoughtfully designed program that focused on their individual social and emotional needs and their remaining strengths and abilities

Watch AutumnGrove Cottage Assisted Living's latest video:

"The Top 5 Things You Should Know Before Choosing an Assisted Living Facility" .  

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