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Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis – CSS3 – the Web’s Swiss Army Knife

Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis — CSS3 — the Web’s Swiss Army Knife

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • June 12, 2011

Web Directions Unplugged 2011, Seattle, May 13th 10:30am.

  • Audio recording of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • About Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis

Presentation slides

External slides (PDF)

Session description

Throughout the years, the Swiss Army Knife has been the trusted companion of scouts and explorers alike, and for front-​​end developers, CSS has been a trusty, if sometimes frustrating, companion. And just as blades, scissors and sundry tools have been added to the Swiss Army Knife, with CSS3, we have new tools and implements of creativity, and some tried and true tools have been honed and sharpened. Of course the key to success is knowing which of the many tools to use and how to wield them in a given situation. Join Stephanie Rewis as she explores some shiny enhancements to favorite old tools like backgrounds and borders, as well as slices and dices with new tools like CSS masks and more!

About Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis

Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis is the founder of W3Conversion, a web design company with a passion for web standards. A front-​​end developer, Stephanie created the CSS Starter Layouts in Dreamweaver CS3 and recently updated for DW CS5. Her passion for sharing knowledge has led her to write books and tutorials, pen a bi-​​monthly column for Web Designer Magazine, train corporate web departments, and speak at numerous conferences. Stephanie is the WaSP liaison to Adobe Systems, working with product managers to ensure the output of its web products continues to move toward today’s web standards. An admitted workaholic who rarely leaves the office, she frequently escapes to talk to the people inside her computer via Twitter. Her hobby, if only she had time? Studying brain function. Her guilty pleasure? Eighties music.

Follow Stephanie on Twitter: @stefsull

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  • Lea Verou - Mastering CSS3 gradients

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