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Dave Balmer – Rockstar graphics with HTML5

Dave Balmer — Rockstar graphics with HTML5

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • June 4, 2011

Web Directions @media 2011, London, May 27th 11:45am.

  • Audio recording of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • About Dave Balmer

Presentation slides

Session description

In this session Dave will cover high-​​​​performance presentation and animation using HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and Canvas. Examples will include mobile-​​​​friendly techniques you can use today for creating game effects and “flashy” user experiences across a range of browsers and devices.

About Dave Balmer

As a Senior Software Engineer with Palm Developer Relations, Dave is a JavaScript guru currently focused on mobile app development. He is the creator of four JavaScript application frameworks, including Jo, which is a lightweight solution for cross-​​​​platform mobile apps.

In his spare time, Dave designs and writes games, makes music, and writes.

Follow Dave on Twitter: @balmer

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