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Google+ looks very interesting

Posted by James in News, Social Media

Luckily I know some tech savvy friends who invited me to geek out a little today on Google+ before it reached capacity. This is probably a GOOD sign. Perhaps they grew way faster than expected. (Some say they are causing a strain on the internet)….

It is looking very interesting already. My first reactions are that the ability to segment contacts well (using ‘circles’) and view segmented streams will be a huge hit. On Facebook I never got the right balance between friends, family, team members, business contacts and project partner. In Google+ I can stream them and group them as a cluster. They call this circles.

The other cool feature is the connectivity of Google+. Now they have combined Chat, Video, email contacts, pictures, Youtube etc… all mashed into one social scene. Makes me feel GoToMeeting and Skype could be a little nervous.

Sparks (strange name) looks like the advertising / data profiling /  content platform:

It is only day one and I’m still exploring. I’ll post more on this as we progress. So Far I am impressed. I wonder if this will turn Facebook into a Myspace?

Tags: google, google+ invite, hangout, sparks

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