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Resources | Web Directions East 2010


Here are the slides from Web Directions East 2010


Keynote Speeches

Scott Thomas → Designing Obama slides (.zip containing .pngs, 27MB)

Design Track

Bruce Lawson → Be an Iron Chef of HTML5 (.pdf, 3.7MB) Jonathan Stark → Building Mobile Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (website: also slides — 2.9M .zip, example files — 3.5MB .zip) John Resig → Mobile JavaScript and jQuery Mobile (.pdf, 7.2MB)

Marketing Track

Hiroto Ebata → Coca-Cola Japan’s Triple Media Strategy (.pdf, 4.3MB)

W3C Track

Doug Schepers → SVG Fun House website (also available as .zip, 37MB, with transcript) Paul Irish → HTML5 web apps, in depth and cross-browser website Kouji Ishii, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Makoto Murata, Noriyuki Suehiro — ePub 3.0: The next generation e-book standard based on HTML5 and CSS3 → Kouji Ishii — CSS Text & Writing Modes (.pdf, 857KB) Kazuhito Kidachi, Katsutoshi Tsuji → WAI-ARIA: Leading Web Accessibility to the Next Stage (on

Break Sessions

Amped Sydney Winners: Brendan Forster (@shiftkey), Aaron Powell (@slace) and Tatham Oddie (@tathamoddie) → website, 3 minute pitch (YouTube)


Bruce Lawson HTML5: semantics and structure → HTML5 form answers (.zip containing .html files, 4KB) John Resig → Introduction to jQuery and jQuery UI (PDFs of the webpages (.zip, 336KB) are also available) Jonathan Stark → Building Mobile Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (website: also slides — 2.9M .zip, example files — 3.5MB .zip)

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