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Podcasting For Authority and Traffic

Posted by James in Content, How To, Podcast, Product creation, Traffic

Streaming podcast


Podcasting is pretty cool because we get to create premium MP3 content and distribute it everywhere across the internet. We can fully take advantage of all those portable devices out there and this is taking content that we prepared for other channels and leveraging it.


Another great feature of Podcasts is they will help you build authority. You’ll become someone who’s been recognized as a premium expert just like when you publish a book.


The best way to do this is combine a WordPress website with a podcasting plugin. These are very easy to assemble. You want to use the podcasting plugins such as TSG podcaster or Blubrry. You’ll end up with a podcast category on your blog and your own podcast feed then you can do a lot with that feed. Record MP3 audio using something like Audacity and load that to your blog or Amazon S3. (A high quality Microphone will help sound quality.)


On a side note if you don’t want to put up your own website you don’t have to. Podbean is a great place to go along and enter your keywords and create a podbean channel to podcast your own content. My team did that for many of our niche sites.  They went and put good content on podbean and then they read out the articles to create podcasts which is a great way to get extra leverage and point back to your primary site.


Now of course for your premium content you really do want to tap into iTunes because it’s so big and so popular. Users can subscribe and continually update content within iTunes and from portable devices. You get more exposure to your audience. So go along to podcast section in iTunes and notice the tab “Making a podcast”. This covers everything.

The last feature in Podcast quick links is ‘How to Submit a Podcast’. In there they have all the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Technical Specs. The bottom line is you’re just going to need a good logo graphic and you’ll need a description and you’ll need a feed. You know what the feed is so I suggest that you create a stunning design because a stunning design will catch the eye and that’s important when you look at the iTunes podcast search results.

Design is a Key Driver

People are going to look at an icon that looks interesting so come up with a really good name and design. When you are conducting your podcast make sure that you ask your readers for a rating. The more ratings you get the more visits you get, the more it seems to favor the iTunes search results.

Pay attention to what episodes are more popular because the more popular episodes are your listeners telling you what content they’re most interested in. The goal of course is to be listed in the new and newsworthy section because you’ll pick up a whole bunch of new listeners. That’s the whole idea of this traffic channel; you’re going to expose yourself to more potential targets.

Build a List

Another thing that I recommend you do to leverage your podcast is collect names. And one way to do that is to offer a PDF document of some kind. Perhaps turn that audio content into text and put it in a transcription and give it to your subscribers only perhaps. (I use it here as a blog post instead). That way people have a reason to join your list, they get to be a subscriber and you send out each week a transcription of your episode so now your listeners got the MP3 version and they have a PDF document that goes to the desktop which can have links off to other sites of yours which is an important traffic technique.


The goal with a podcast is to engage your audience and for that reason you should have multiple media points for your podcast. I suggest you have a Facebook page, a Youtube channel and make sure you broadcast that RSS feed as many places as you can so that other people can hook in to your feed like FriendFeed for example.

Ask for Comments

Remember to ask for comments because you want user generated content just like a regular blog. Every time someone comments on your Facebook page then it goes in front of their Facebook friends as well. Every time someone comments on your blog it’s putting keyword rich SEO data out there in the market and every time someone comments on your Youtube channel then it syndicates your Youtube channel further. You will have an audience fast.


Also remember to tweet your content and when you tweet don’t just put the podcast headline, put the result that someone might get if they listen to your podcast. Anyone who’s interested would probably click on the link, go and listen to the podcast, hopefully join the list and then start commenting and be engaged.

Cross Promote

Now that you’ve got your email list and your audience, your Youtube channel and Your Facebook, you can cross promote your other products and affiliated offers for profit.

I will be adding many more podcast episodes to Internet Marketing Speed so please:

Join my iTunes channel

(And leave a review)

Tags: build a list, build authority, internet marketing podcast, itunes, james schramko, Podcast, podcasting

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