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Mobile | Web Directions - Part 2

Presentations about mobile

Kelly Goto — Designing for Lifestyle

  • In: Resources
  • By: Guy Leech
  • September 30, 2006

A presentation given at Web Directions South, Sydney Australia, September 28 2006.

Interaction design is no longer limited to the web. The concept of user experience is being redefined as multiple delivery methods of social and business interaction merge into our lifestyles. As design migrates from the web to mobile devices we carry and interact with on a daily basis, our approach must also shift into cycles of design and research centered around the way people actually live. In this enlightening session, design ethnographer and web veteran Kelly Goto discusses the evolution of Web, handheld, and product interfaces and their cultural impact. Learn how companies are utilizing ethnographic-​​based research to conduct rapid, immersive studies of people and their lifestyles to inform the usefulness and viability of interfaces both online and offline. See the slides and hear the podcast »

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