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Teams - apps4nsw wiki


  • 1 Find a team
  • 2 Designers
  • 3 Front end developers
  • 4 Back end developers
  • 5 Project managers

Find a team

You're going to achieve a lot more on a developer day like this if you've already connected up with a team.

If you're looking for people to work with, list yourself below, and contact others via their Twitter handles.

Just hit edit, add your name and skills underneath those that are already there, then hit Save Page at the bottom.


Visual designer? UX? User interface skills? Add yourself in, just follow the example.

Name - Twitter - what your skills are

Maxine Sherrin - @maxine - user experience design

John Allsopp - @johnallsopp - visual design

Ralph Lengler - @gluckstaler - UX, prototyping, visual design, front-end dev

Tim Lucas - @toolmantim - UX, visual design, front-end dev

William Parry - @williamparry - User Experience Analyst, prototyping

Linda Gehard - @pixel8ted - user experience and visual design for web and mobile

Front end developers

HTML? CSS? JavaScript? You belong here.

Name - Twitter - what your skills are

Dave So - @daveso - iOS (iPhone & iPad)

David Lo - @davo0192 - HTML5, Perl

Daniel Treacy - @danieltreacy - HTML5, jQuery/Javascript, CSS

Lihan Li - @lihanli -HTML5, jQuery/JS, CSS3, Sass, JSON, JS plotting

S M Tarikul Alam - @saikatewu - HTML5, JQuery/Javascript, CSS

Joel Courtney - @jufemaiz - {markup:[HTML4,XHTML1,XHTML1.1,HTML5, XML, JSON], styling: [CSS, SASS], behaviour: [javascript,CoffeeScript,jQuery,mootools,YUI,Google Maps,Google Vis API, Tabular heatmaps]}; // See also Developer (backend)

Greg Turner - @gsta - HTML, jQuery/Javascript, CSS, Adobe Flex/Flash. Mashups, maps, infovis.

Sam Gentle - @sgentle - HTML6, CSS, Javascript, (particularly mobile)

William Parry - @williamparry - HTML, CSS, JS/AS/jQuery, Chrome Extensions, Maps,

Valery Yushchenko - @vyushchenko - JavaScript/HTML/CSS, jQuery, Ext JS

Back end developers

Know the stuff that goes on behind the scenes? List your skills here.

Name - Twitter - what your skills are

Daniel Treacy - @danieltreacy - Java (Spring), RoR

S M Tarikul Alam - @saikatewu - PHP (Drupal,CodeIgniter,CakePHP)

Joel Courtney - @jufemaiz - Ruby (Rails/Sinatra), PHP, data scraping/parsing/management/analytics/mapping etc

Greg Turner - @gsta - Django

Sam Gentle - @sgentle - Rails/Sinatra/Plain ole' Ruby, Pylons/Pyramid/whatever they're calling it now, NodeJS(ish)

Shahid Zaman - @shahid21st - Java/J2EE(Spring)/Grails/Android

Stephen Lead - @ATLASofNSW - GIS, mapping, geodatabases, data conversions, and Atlas of NSW

James Martin - @jmrtn - Pure Ruby, Sinatra, Rails(ish), Unix-fu & data wrangling.

William Parry - @williamparry - PHP

Tim Dougall - @timdougall - .NET, WCF, MVC2

Project managers

Good at managing teams? This is the place for you.

Name - Twitter - what your skills are

Erica Smith - @erica

Ben Jones - @ben

Jose Diacono - @josediacono team building, mapping & GIS, usability and testing, resolving conflictย :)

Alfred Lo - @apglo - lean startup guy and iOS apps development dude.

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