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Community Partners | Web Directions @media

Community Partners

Help build the community of web professionals

Web Directions comes from the community of web professionals, and a key part of our mission is to help that community grow.

To further this goal, our community partnerships help your group, meetup or association connect with the attendees and followers of Web Directions. Just drop us a line if you’re interested, and we’ll get you listed on every page of our site, and get an indepth profile of your group up here. We’re happy to offer great discounts for your members, and even tickets as competition prizes.

For more details, download our community partner outline. Look forward to hearing from you!

Our community partners

London Web

If you’re a web designer or web developer then London Web Meetups are for you.

We have collected some of the best brains in the industry (well in London) to talk about what we love the most, the web. We have a wide range of people from designers, HTML CSS gurus, Flash, Flex, .Net, PHP and Ruby developers. There is a lot of talent in London, and everyone’s open to sharing something new.

You should find the topics quite varied but relevant to the web. Expect to learn about new tools and techniques that can help you in your everyday or work (or just enlighten you).

The meetup is on the 3rd Thursday, every month at 7.30pm. We are currently meeting in the “Tottenham Court Road” area. Sign up for details and we’ll see you there!

We have a free video podcast available on iTunes — subscribe to it to make sure you get each talk as it’s released! Just search iTunes for “London Web” or click here. Alternatively, you can find the videos here.


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