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Are you building a business in 2009?

Posted by James in Affiliate, How To, Traffic

All the material I have reviewed lately reminds me about the importance of running an internet marketing business as a business. When I quit working for someone else and ramped up Internet Marketing full time for myself I did it just the same way as I used to run a business. I was a General Manager in my last role and I had many of the essential skills to run a business. If you are not experienced in business you should consider getting information on the subject.

Many people struggle online because they treat it like a hobby.

I hope you had a chance to see my free report which explains the same techniques I use to run the IM business. There are some major points in there that helped me make the transition. I was watching Howie Schwarz on his Traffic Holiday seminar recordings and I highly recommend this material because he is one guy I connect with. He says the same things I think. I think being a full-time online marketer is the best ‘job possible. You can really be free to do what you want.

Putting together my new forum

I have been writing information and compiling training videos for the new forum and the latest one I just made was about setting up for business. I recommend you get the right structure for yourself as soon as possible. Once you get yourself setup professionally you can be far more productive.

I recently campaigned for Arbitrage Conspiracy and I noticed the people who got setup and approved for CPA networks instantly had the most business-like mindset and set-up. We are entering the phase now where you need to get control of your life and reduce debt. I notice in my local newspaper yesterday was an article about the 30% slump in Christmas retail trade. In contrast to that, December was one of my best months ever. CPA is one way to free yourself up from the slavery of employment.

Is 2009 going to be your year?

In 2009 I will be travelling to seminars and also presenting to new audiences. My business will expand as my website network grows, my skills increase and my list grows. There are just a few more days left for the Arbitrage Conspiracy course if you are interested in the best $2k course available for streching your mind. When you take on the course you will learn how you can operate in any market and build profits off the back of already existing buyer intent. It is easier to ride the wave than to create it! When you diversify your traffic and offers you can create a business that is protected from fluctuations.

Support makes everything easier

My new superfastresults forum will open this month and people who grab Arbitrage Conspiracy through me will get three months access. The first members get in tomorrow. We have about 50 people ready to help each other and share experiences for the next three months. Please join us if you want to make this the best year ever. The new members will also be grandfathered at a low ongoing rate after the three months should they decide to stay on and have access to the affiliate program (and a few other goodies). I worked on the list of inclusions today and it is awesome!

(Arbitrage Conspiracy registrations CLOSED January 6th at noon (pst). )

Tags: arbitrage, arbitrage conspiracy, audiences, howie schwarz, internet marketing, marketer, mindset, slavery, slump, traffic holiday

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