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just because

Ha – just seen that you’ve put this up. It was a great night. Awesome fun. And a great analogy for internet marketing. There are obstacles you don’t know about. Every now and then you fall off your bike. But, if you’ve made the decision to go – then there’s really no turning back. You have to keep going. You can’t give up. You know that there’s a path, even though sometimes that path is unclear.

You know James, the thing about the first time you and I did the Manly Dam at night (which was my first time) was that you had ridden the Manly Dam trail before – and could provide a commentary on how to ride it. You’re doing the same for us on your Blog and in your forum in regards to internet marketing.

It’s one thing to own a bike. It’s another thing to know how to ride a bike. It’s another thing entirely to ride a bike in the dark on a path you’re unfamiliar with – and that’s when you need a guide.

Thanks James.

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