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Underground Online Seminar® 4 DVD Bonus

Posted by James in Affiliate, News

Yanik Silver has recently released the DVD’s from Underground IV. I boarded a jet and flew to Los Angeles from Sydney (where I live) just to attend Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Seminar® 4 in Los Angeles this past March.

This is why I attended Underground 4

In 2007 I bought Traffic Secrets by John Reese. I re-watched the entire series in January 2008 and took notes from every DVD and CD and worksheet for three days solid. That’s when I realized I need to stay much closer to the good information. Traffic Secrets 1.0 was (and will always remain) a groundbreaking quality information product.

I decided there and then I was going to Underground. The reason for that was because Yanik’s event is not a pitch fest. It was only the second seminar I attented and it needed to be quality. Was it cheap? – NO. Was it value? YES!

Why Underground IV is value

Underground IV moved my whole concept of scale. I observed first hand some of the most successful people (many you will never have heard of) in the online community share what is working for them. I made notes and came back to Sydney loaded to the gills with ideas and an action plan. I learnt to think bigger. Much BIGGER.

I liked Underground IV so much I ordered Underground 3 on DVD to watch (and it ROCKED) and booked myself to attend underground 5 in Washington D.C.

The Momentum Continues

Luckily I met some amazing people and got the opportunity to join the Maverick Business Adventure mastermind group. I jumped on another plane to go to Las Vegas. Now I can’t tell you much about what was discussed there other than the fact that recently I have been doing the biggest sales days ever. The results are extraordinary and it started from when I discovered information at Underground. In fact, I paid back my entire underground trip in just one days sales profit….

Good = Expensive

I know this is not always true however when Cialdini made this observation in his great book ‘Influence’ he was on to something. I know the financial commitment of travelling overseas and the time invested at Los Angeles has paid huge dividends for me. The great news is if you are reading this entry close to the post date there is a small chance the DVD set is still available for you to invest in.

The event sold out

That’s right, Underground sold out because it is high quality. Look who was speaking:

Eben Pagan showed how 3 simple questions can help you prevent 80-90% of the failures you might otherwise suffer. Since watching him speak and meeting him I have a countdown timer on my desk to tell me when I should NOT be working. I must be saving hours a day with that technique alone.

Dr Joe Mercola confessed the marketing mistakes that have cost him 10-20 MILLION dollars – and tells you how you can avoid them. It was after his speech Aweber put a lightbox script out.. and I added it here on this blog. The results were instant.

Jim Lilig shared specific examples of high converting CPA Network campaigns and what you need to “copy” their success… and an entire PROCESS map worth 10x the seminar

cost! I am using many of these ideas in my upcoming product launches. Jim is a straight shooter!

Jody Colvard showed proof you can make a lot of money with your content in unorthodox ways. (Hint: It’s NOT from advertising. You’ll learn why and what to do instead. ) I added more media to the mix after seeing how she does it.

Cameron Johnson showed how he got one simple idea and turned it into a $40k per month side business. (After you hear this, you’ll stop looking for the next ‘big thing’… because you’ll know you don’t need it to be successful.) Cameron appears on the big give with Opera every week. I used the same idea he mentioned to set up a $5000 a month income stream instantly.

Mike Hill reveals how you can buy the same traffic people are buying on Google®… for a fraction of the cost! I have been using traffic sources you have NEVER heard of and I am paying 2 cents a click instead of $1 – could that help you? Mike Hill is a GENIUS.

Barry Dunlop explained how him and his partner, Dean Hunt, got on front page of within 18 hours generating over 2,189,432 UNIQUE visitors to their websites in the past 12 months alone. This very real method of “Buzz Marketing” works. These guys were edgy. One thing I took from them has caused one of my blogs (not this one) to go beserk in the search engines. It is simple yet highly effective and anyone can do it.

There were only 500 DVD copies available, and I bet at least half of them are already gone. If you want to grab it then I am offering you a special bonus. To qualify for my bonus you must be serious about your online success and have some basic knowledge already. This DVD set will not help a new person. If you are intermediate or advanced – this is for you:

Please clear your cookies and grab the DVD’s here

After you’ve watched the DVD’s I will give you my private telephone number and we will commence coaching. The goal is to implement some of the ideas from the DVD’s into your business until you have made more profit than you invested however long that takes (as long as you make an effort to implement). There is no way you can lose with this offer. Buy the DVD’s and I’ll coach you until you make the same or more profit. I was there and I know the material. It is excellent.

Tags: bonus underground, underground 4, underground 4 bonus, underground DVD, underground online 4 seminar, yanik silver, yanik undergound IV

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