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How to Find An Internet Marketing Niche

Some people spend a lot of time trying to determine what sort of niche they should focus on for their next internet marketing campaign. They agonize over numbers, research, related news articles, and all sorts of other things.

Easier than you think!

Well, it doesn’t have to be hard to find a good niche. In fact, it can be incredibly easy and you can have a huge list of possibilities available with one web search. Curious?

Open up a new window in your web browser, go to your search engine of choice, and type in “new year’s resolutions.” You’ll end up with a lot of hits (Google returns 558 million), and each hit is connected to a potential niche.

For example, the top result in that Google search has a list of twelve items that can each be a profitable niche. It includes, among others, lose weight, manage debt, quit smoking, reduce stress, take a trip, drink less alcohol, and get a better education. Right there, on a web page that took only 30 seconds to access, you have a list of potentially profitable niches for your next internet marketing campaign.

Even better…

…are the results from newspapers and television stations that have taken surveys and rank the popularity of resolutions. These rankings are telling you exactly what people want most, in order!

Leverage up!

And here’s how to really maximize the niche potential of these resolutions. Once you have a few general ideas, go to websites that focus on these issues (the bigger and more established, the better), and then check their articles archives for January and see if they have any content about ways to stick to resolutions throughout the year. The language and content used in these particular articles will give you the exact outline of your pitch.

For example, if you went to a weight-loss website and looked at an article about sticking to a resolution, they will pinpoint the exact pitfalls that most people face when trying to stick to a diet.

It happens Fast!

With only a few minutes time, you can not only find a niche for your next internet marketing campaign, but also find out the exact problems and push-button phrases that people in that niche commonly use. And, you have a few custom-targeted examples of how to write copy that specifically appeals to your niche.

So take the extra time you saved and stick to your own resolution! Watch this video about choosing your niche

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