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Our latest event, Unplugged: Building awesome native & web apps with open web technologies

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • February 10, 2011

For years now, the web has been evolving from a web of pages and documents, to being more application oriented. We’ve long seen “webapps” of the likes of Flickr, and Gmail, but with HTML5, particularly on iOS, Android, webOS, and other emerging platforms we are seeing open web technologies becoming not just a legitimate, but an increasingly vital set of tools for developing applications for a broad range of platforms, including the web.

At our conferences, we’ve long covered related issues, but we believe now is the time to go “all in” on web technologies for application development, and we’re putting our money where our mouth is with Unplugged, the first ever event focussing specifically on developing native and web applications using open web technologies.

The first Unplugged is taking place in Seattle, May 12 & 13, and as with all our events, it’s designed for practitioners — developers, designers and others working on building applications for the web and beyond.

What will Unplugged cover?

HTML5 including

  • offline applications
  • canvas
  • games
  • geolocation

Interaction and User Experience design for

  • Mobile
  • Tablets
  • Touch interfaces
  • TV

JavaScript libraries like

  • JQuery Mobile
  • Sencha Touch
  • SproutCore
  • Mojo and Enyo

W3C Widgets

Enabling technologies like

  • AIR
  • PhoneGap
  • Rhomobile
  • Appcelerator

As well as content strategy, game design, skeuomorphic UI design, and more.

As with all our events, it’s not about panels, hand waving, and opinions — it’s about seasoned professionals sharing their experience, insights and lessons learned.

So, come join us for this world first event, in Seattle in May, and embrace the future, today.

Your opinion:


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