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John Carlton Copywriting Interview

Posted by James in Conversions, How To, Interview, News

Streaming podcast

How To Write Killer Copywriting People Will Try And Steal From You (Even If You Can’t Spell)…

Revealing interview with living legend John Carlton

While John Carlton has been visiting Australia I have been learning more about Copywriting than ever before. John is touted as the greatest living copywriter and he studied under Jay Abraham and Gary Halbert. In this revealing interview we discussed some great sales copy themes…

John Carlton and James Schramko

People often get stuck when it comes to copywriting. Sitting there in front of a blank page can be intimidating for new marketers, especially when it is the most essential part of the ‘money getting’ process.

Push them over the fence!!!

John Carlton revealed some great insider tips regarding how to motivate people to make a purchase. In this revealing interview we discussed buyer motivation and various techniques marketers use when writing sales letters.

Nothing gets done until the copy is done

You really don’t have much happening until the sales copy gets written. Doubling conversion has the same effect as doubling traffic. If you combine them both you have an intensively profitable situation.

Hard hitting questions

I asked John about his thoughts on automated sales tools, long copy versus short copy, how to hire a copywriter and more. The answers may shock you.

Last minute advice

I love Johns advice to Frank Kern just prior to the worlds most successful Internet Marketing launch (Stompernet). John was able to clearly set Frank on track, solving the challenge he was having at the time. This snippet is something everyone should be aware of and is simple to apply. I wish I had know this several years ago.


It was really great to learn what motivated John to go from ‘slacker’ to success story. His story is inspiring and he also recommends some resources you can look up.

Two things every sales letter should contain

Did you know there are two things every sales letter should contain? Once you embed these into the sales process you can expect an increase in sales. ‘Lizard brain’ is one of them. This triggering of ancient mind patterns is so powerful it causes fully grown adults to move into a buying frenzy beyond their own control!

Common sales writing mistakes

In the interview you can get an insight into mistakes you really need to avoid. Once you steer clear of them your results should improve. Applying just a few of these tips can shift your mindset forever. Putting words into a codec of proven sales persuasion is one of the best ways to crank up profits in an already established website.

Fast gains for YOU

When you combine scarcity tactics, bullet points and several other secrets John mentions, you will be in the elite category. Perhaps you will double your sales too!

Discover the simple writing sales system course John Carlton invented and improve your profits today >>> CLICK HERE

Tags: copy writer, copywriting, copywriting course, copywriting courses, copywriting training, freelance copywritier, freelance writer, gary halbert, jay abraham, john carlton, johncarlton, killer copywriting, marketing rebel, marketingrebel, online courses, sales copy, simple copywriting system, simple writing system review, simplewritingsystem, successful internet marketing, visiting australia, web copywriter, write a sales letter, writing courses, writing jobs

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