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Online Marketing: The Success Formula for Home Care, Assisted Living, and Other Senior Service Providers

Online Marketing: The Success Formula for Home Care, Assisted Living, and Other Senior Service Providers

Most of us are probably not in a position to throw caution to the wind when it comes to our own marketing budget.

Most of us want our marketing programs and strategies to work well the FIRST time we try them, and as we know, that’s always a gamble.

 Postcard mailings aren’t what they used to be. Direct mail doesn’t have the same impact. Seminar and workshops are expensive when food is served, and there’s never a guaranteed ROI on any of it. The YELLOW PAGES (print) is done, over, caput. (Believe me when I say that if you are spending more than $100 per month on YELLOW PAGES, you are flushing money down the drain.)

Today there are other ways to market to your local community without spending tons of money. I will be the first to say that “in person networking” can never be replaced. The handshake and the ability to look someone in the eye is still just as important as ever. However, with a little web savvy, you can start those conversations a lot sooner, and educate a lot faster than ever before.

Your reach has been enhanced by the power of the internet.

I’ve written about this before but the truth of the matter is that this method of marketing is not only the latest trend, but it is one that I expect will last. If you aren’t on this bandwagon yet, get on fast.

I’ll add to that – If you are only doing this half-a$$ed, you are wasting your time. Social Media, Google Places, Video, Audio, Website, Article Marketing , Press release marketing, bookmarking- this all requires a full court press and 110% effort. It’s worth every minute and every penny spent to be on the first page of Google.

Trust me. Our clients won’t disagree.

The important part of understanding today’s marketing techniques is that total transparency and relationship building with your target market is the key to success. Long gone are the days when we can hide behind our websites.

Transparency does not mean writing on Facebook, Twitter, or your blog about the latest fight you have with your spouse, or what the neighbor’s bad kids are up to. What it does mean is that you are willing to share enough about yourself and your value system to build a level of trust with your local community that is unmatched.

The more “accessible” you are online, the more accessible your prospects will be and the more credibility you will gain.

Talk about yourself as the owner, add a picture, talk about your personal experiences that lead you to this business, or to want to work with seniors.

Be real. Be honest.

Depending on who is reading this I would suggest that most seniors have lived longer than you. They have made more important decisions about their lives than you have, and most can spot dishonesty or half-truths a mile away.  Transparency means earning the trust of a skeptical customer.

Social media marketing works if done correctly. Plain and simple.

More baby-boomers and seniors are on the internet than ever before. Suddenly there are tons of articles out there talking about Grandpa on Facebook and MySpace. You need to be where your target market hangs out!

Here’s the secret formula for online marketing success for any brick and mortar business:

KR+W+C(104)+SM (10)(104)+Ci+R(Q)(12)+A(Ci)(12)+V(Ci)(12)+PR= 1

·         KR=  Keyword Research and demographic research. If this part isn’t done right, the rest won’t make you a nickel.

·         W = Website. If your website sucks, and it’s likely that it might for one reason or another, this equation won’t work. You must have one, and it must be structured correctly based on your KR.

·         C= Content. 104 blog posts per year minimum, all based on your keyword research.

·         SM= Social Media Accounts- at least the top 10 if not more. All with content x 104 plus.

·         Ci = Citations for Google Places. Done incorrectly, the math falls apart. If you aren’t sure what a citation is, Google it.

·         R= Reviews.  They must be good quality (Q) and you need at least 12 online. A quality review has a long definition. It’s not a list on your website, or a bunch placed BY YOU on your Google Places page. They must be real, from other people, and not phony baloney.

·         A=Article Marketing. Must have.

·         V=Videos, must have. With citations, and at least 1 per month (12).

·         PR= Press Release Marketing. Consistent, often, quality.


251= 1st page of Google.

In summary, now is the time. Actually the time was a year ago, but it’s not too late to start building an online presence. Moving forward, this cost effective form of marketing will save you thousands in hard marketing costs. Companies that don’t have a Social Media Strategy or roadmap in place now, will most likely fall behind by Q3 or Q4 of this year. I can think of few things more expensive than having to play catch-up, especially in the social media category. You can’t “buy” relationships on the social web.

I have two favorite quotes that might help some of you understand the value of investing your time and energy in to building a following online.

1.   “I work extremely hard doing what I love, mainly to ensure that I don’t have to work extremely hard doing what I hate.” – Hugh Mcleod

2.     “Impact is not created by big budgets, impact is created by great marketing strategies that last have a lasting result.” – Valerie

Valerie VanBooven RN BSN


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